Good afternoon, everyone.
Since there were a lot of great questions regarding the vote yesterday, we wanted to give a few updates. First though, thank you to all the folks who either came out and sat through the cold, or watched online in order to be more informed community members. It was encouraging to see people that care so much about the community turn out in awesome numbers, given the pandemic. We know much of what was discussed is still confusing, and trust me I still have those moments myself, which is why asking questions is the best thing to do. Before I go any further, I'd also like to announce that the deadline to vote has now been extended to 5/19 at 6PM. We understand that in order to make an informed decision people need time to digest what was given to them, and ask questions accordingly so they know all they need to know in order to vote in their own best interest. With that said, we are not extending the deadline to register, that is now closed. All voting opportunities in the future will have a longer deadline to register. I highly encourage those who weren't physically or digitally present at the meeting to watch it ( Members asked great questions about the votes, and we answered to the best of our ability. We also understand that the wording on the actual ballot is only easily comprehensible for those that have practiced in law (DEFINITELY not me), so we have created a FAQ page for your reference ( In case anyone wanted to see a budget breakdown, and the cost of things based on the votes proposed, our wonderful VP put together this beautiful spreadsheet ( For more specific numbers on the pool, you can see those here( And finally, we have made a FAQ page ( for this vote. If you have a question that isn't on here, please send it our way via the usual channels and we'll place it on there. We live here too. We pay the assessment, use the tennis/basketball courts/pool, and heck you can even catch me walking on our paths at least once a week (weather permitting). If you made it all the way down to this message, it means you care about our community just as much as we do, which is why we all joined in the first place. What we're trying to do with this vote and every vote in the future is improve the very foundation to which our beautiful community is laid upon. It may not be perfect every time, but it’s ours to make better. Thank you Kyle Cataldo, President Brandon Luther, Vice President Chelsea Clark, Secretary Monica Jordan, Treasurer Riverton Community Association
Good morning everyone! We officially have a date for the Riverton yearly yard sale: June 5-6. In previous years you may remember we've had it during Mother's Day weekend, but due to the ongoing pandemic and previous HOA survey results, we decided to move the annual event to early June, and make it more than one day. We're hoping both the safety of our community members, as well as the weather, will fair better by then.
We're also still looking for volunteers to help make this weekend even better for our community. If you're interested, please send an email to [email protected] Get your tables and signs ready, and start spreading the word because we want this one to be the best yet. The Riverton Community Association annual meeting is scheduled for Saturday March 20, 2021 at 9:00am. Due to Covid-19, this meeting will be held virtually.
The meeting will be conducted via Google Meet and live-streamed to Facebook Live.
There will be a vote after the meeting that will be conducted virtually. Vote items will be posted to your Appfolio Owner Portal for your review prior to the meeting. Please review these vote questions once posted and bring your questions to the meeting! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email them to [email protected] and we will respond to you within 48 hours. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting. Hello Riverton!
Quick hits from tonight: (full detailed minutes on official site once approved by bod) **From the ARB: update to fines. $1 per day fine will increase to $3 per day after 90 days of an ongoing violation. Repeat offenders will also have increased fines and no warnings at the 3rd repeat. **Cash flow, audits, Appfolio tracking, maintenance funds, over budget on landscaping and lawn-mowing and still need to get thru June. Payroll is down and may help with the overage in landscaping. **Assessments - (still need approx 70 houses to update their contact info with the office) residents are asking for payment plans. Officially no plan but you can pay online any amount at any time, or recurring, and not have to pay the lump sum in the summer. **Salting the mailboxes has been approved. **Pool - planning starts now! Discussions will include pricing and whether or not to allow non-residents to purchase a membership as they have in the past. This is NON Riverton users - not RCA homeowners and/or renters. This discussion will warrant a separate meeting. **Annual March Meeting: still needs to be virtual due to Covid, but all are still welcome to view and participate. Notices will go out within the next week. Date: March 20th at 9 am. **Discussion about square footage with a commercial property will go to executive session Please remember that the BOD meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm and has gone live during Covid. Anyone is welcome to view and comment, or you can register ahead of time if you have a specific question/concern/idea that you'd like added to the agenda. The BOD and ARB are always looking for honest, caring, forward thinking neighbors who want to make a difference. Email [email protected] to learn how to get involved. #*#*#* Special request from me: Due to changes in my schedule I will not always be available to write up the quick hits going forward. If there are any volunteers that would like to take over or fill in please let me know. There are no rules or obligations to this. As a homeowner who was previously in the dark I feel like we all deserve the most accurate info however we choose to receive it. Have a great rest of your winter!! Effective 2/1/2021 the fine schedule has had a 5th tier added. The ARB unanimously voted to add an additional charge that is effective 36 days after the 4th notice, or 90 days after the initial violation. In the photo above, the red highlighted portion is new.
In addition, they have also added a new fine schedule. Please see photo below for details. Happy New Year Riverton! Here's the quick hit from tonight's meeting:
Brandon has officially joined the BOD - woot woot! Welcome Brandon! Audit is starting. This year should go much smoother since all our financial data has been tracked by Appfolio. Past due contacts - our office team is reaching out to homeowners in an effort to avoid further interest/late charges/liens Contact us if we can’t contact you - we’re down to 71 people who we don’t have contact info for. Some are new, some want to receive regular mail. Honestly just because we can’t reach you doesn’t mean “it” isn’t happening. There are liens being placed as of February 1st so please contact the office to make payments in full. 111 owe some sort of combination of assessment fees/fines/late fees Pool update: a bid has been received from the company that took care of everything last year and the Maintenance Reserve Fund will be used for the chemical upgrade. The upcoming season ... lifeguards or no lifeguards this year? In past years it usually takes $70k to run the pool with lifeguard salaries. Applications are being sent to the Dept of Health in regard to opening the pool to non-homeowners. More to come on details as we get closer to the opening day. Community Center closed through February and will be reviewed on a month to month basis during the pandemic. Have questions about where your money goes? Read the old meeting minutes or watch one of the videos listed. There are no hidden amounts and the board + management has worked hard towards 100% transparency. Past recordings starting with the November 2020 meeting are available to view on the Riverton FB page @rivertoncommunityassociation under the video section. Dear Amazon and Fedex - please stop driving on our walking paths ;) We’re working on getting the “DON’T DRIVE ON THIS AREA” signs back up. There is a current complaint about ATVs on the path and in common areas. As a general rule and as common courtesy, please be aware of your fellow residents who are sharing the common areas. The BOD is always looking for new eyes and ears to join the Board. Do you have an interest in our community? Do you want to make a positive impact on improvements? Are you an ethical, forward thinking person with some new ideas? We’d love to see you or hear from you! Email [email protected] or message us through FB to let us know what you’d like to share. --Jennifer Hello Neighbors!
Here is your quick hit update for December. All official minutes will be posted to the Riverton website once approved. ***No new ARB issues BUT....the ones that are still unpaid or being ignored are for signs and trash cans. Easy fix. Apply for temp use of your sign and put your trash away ;) Reporting issues - if you report a potential violation and want an update - please state that in your report. We've received at times 40+ reports with a fake name/email address and if it's not a violation there's nothing to address or fix. ***SNOOOOOWWWW - Snow removal contract has been approved and mailboxes will be cleared when possible. We have 70+ cluster mailboxes and one snow removal team. Lend a shovel or stomp some snow away with your boots. If you are willing and able to help out, why not? ***Mail costs money. If you cannot access email or just love getting regular mail, please know that this cost will be passed on to you. ***Management costs vs employee costs. This was a pretty even swap this year as we lost 2 of our 3 office personnel, hired Wiechert, lost our 3rd, hired 2...etc. One important difference, one that I personally signed off on, is that our management team gets a percentage of our violation and late fees. Why? They do a lot of work that our old team didn't and enforce 100% more than anyone has in years. There are no under the table deals, no unfair agreements, no special treatment. The majority of our neighborhood does the right thing and would like others to as well. ***IT services will no longer be outsourced. This saves approx $100 per month!! ***In an effort to get back in touch with the personal side of things, our office staff has proactively started to contact those with late payments or pending violations to see what assistance can be given. We as neighbors can do the same by adding our names and services offered to the Nextdoor "Help" map or by just doing things that can be done. If we've learned anything this year, it's that we are all in this together. Enjoy your holidays, stay safe, and see you next year!!! Your guest commentator, Jennifer :) The November newsletter has been posted. Please check out the newsletter page to view it! The newsletter is posted below as well.